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How the Narendra Modi government is diluting green clearance norms

From Down to Earth: It looks like the environmental clearance process is becoming a formality. The quality of assessment, compliance of clearance conditions and the involvement of local community through public hearings are being further weakened. The purpose is to ease the process of obtaining clearances for mega projects like Bharatmala Pariyojana and Sagar Mala.

In the name of streamlining process to get environmental clearances, the Centre has turned these rules into mere formality

Digvijay Singh Bisht, Down to Earth

The Union Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEF&CC), on  January 4, 2019, came up with a memorandum setting standard environmental clearance conditions for two sectors that currently see the highest investment—Infrastructure and building/construction projects and area development projects. This was after the ministry released a similar memorandum on August 9, 2018 for 25 major industrial sectors.

There are two very distinct sides to this issue and most of the people are divided over these.

First side: Government’s development agenda

The government aims to promote ease of doing business as it had promised in its 2014 election manifesto. The NDA government has done its best to move towards a single-window system for environmental clearance (EC), which materialised with the launch of Pro-Active and Responsive facilitation by Interactive, Virtuous and Environmental Single-window Hub on August 10, 2018. It is an online portal meant for submission, monitoring and management of proposals submitted to the MoEF&CC by project proponents seeking various types of clearances.

The government also focused on making EC granting a time-bound process by bringing changes in policies and practices like introduction of online system to file and track applications (July 2015) and publishing the standard termination of resuscitation (ToR) guidelines for preparation of environmental impact assessment (EIA) and environmental management plan (EMP) report for all projects requiring EC (April 2015). The two memorandums were also part of the same effort.

These moves have helped streamline the process by reducing the time to grant EC, removing lack of clarity and brining uniformity in the process. The result: More than 1,500 projects have been being cleared since July 2014.

“The government has substantially reduced the number of days in getting a crucial environment clearance to 190 from 600 and this will soon be brought down to 100,” said Prakash Javadekar, the then Union environment minister, in March 2017 while addressing a national convention on sustainable development organised by the United National Global Compact Network.

These efforts have fulfilled one of the major agendas in the government’s manifesto—“Physical Infrastructure—Better than the Best”. It has also caused a boom in the industrial and infrastructural space since 2014. This highlights the current government’s aggressive approach towards meeting its overall developmental targets.

These moves have also proved to be beneficial for project owners and consultants as they provide them with clarity in preparing the EIA report. All this shows that these moves have surely been promising in terms of the overall economic development of the country.

Second side: Impact on the environment

The underlying issue, which is left unaddressed and for which the government has been criticised heavily over the past, is the utmost neglect towards the environment and the people in the government’s new policies and practices.

In the latest Environmental Performance Index (EPI), India figured in the bottom five countries. It went from 141 in 2016 to 177 in 2018 out of 180 countries.

The poor environmental performance can partially be attributed to a weak EIA process in India, which is diluted further by changes in policy and practices. The EIA is treated more as a means to get EC than as a tool to evaluate the actual impact of the project(s) on the environment and the community. It’s evident since project proponents have several times completed EIA studies and a detailed report in merely Rs 3 lakh. So, unsurprisingly, most of the EIA reports are lack quality.

The March 2017 report by the Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG) report on environmental clearance and post-clearance monitoring highlighted that the clearance process was marred with major procedural deficiencies.

Some of the major gaps, as highlighted in the report, were delays in carrying out EIA, no consideration of cumulative impact in the EIA, non-appointment of a national regulator to oversee the entire process as directed by the Supreme Court, granting clearance without checking for compliance, poor coordination among the ministry, state pollution control boards /Union territory pollution control committees and project proponents, lack of proper mechanism to ensure redressal of public concerns in the final EIA report/EC letter and implementation of commitments made by the proponent during public consultation in a time-bound manner.

Other shortcomings the CAG pointed out were in the conduct of public hearings, change in scope of the projects without requisite approvals and commencement of construction/operations before getting clearances, poor monitoring of environmental parameters, lack of environmental quality monitoring in critically polluted areas, no delegation of powers to regional offices against defaulting project proponents, no penalty on violation of EC terms, and lack of post-EC monitoring.

Putting two and two together

Environmentalists say although the recent measures by the NDA government are being taken to streamline the process and make green clearances faster, they actually are diluting the regulations.

Evidence: the government’s constant push to introduce changes or dilution to the environmental legislation including Land Acquisition Act, 2013, Wildlife Protection Act, 1972, National Forest Policy, 2018, Indian Forest Act, 1927, and Coastal Regulation Zone, 2018.

Also, the involvement of communities in the appraisal process is being reduced by diluting the public consultation process. According to a report by New Delhi-based non-profit Centre for Science and Environment, exemptions have been provided in the public consultation process, most pronounced in the case of coal mining sector. Also, the requirement to comply with the Forest Rights Act was relaxed in parts, said the report titled ‘Report card: Environmental governance under two years of NDA government’.

Not improving enforcement of regulatory requirements to safeguard the environment and interests of local communities has resulted in an increased number of cases related to land conflicts in recent years. According to the Land Conflict Watch, a national watchdog which tracks, maps, collects, and analyses ongoing land conflicts across India, there are 665 projects, with an area of 24 lakh hectares and an estimated investment of Rs 13 lakh crore, that are affecting 73 lakh people. Clearly, the NDA government has not undertaken necessary reforms and opted for institutional strengthening to improve the green clearance process to safeguard environment and community interests.

Lastly, although the set of standard environment clearance conditions of all major industrial sectors listed in the two memorandums might bring clarity, these might not hold any value owing to the March 14, 2017, notification of MoEF&CC that allows post-facto clearance to projects, which also include CRZ clearances.

According to this notification, a six-month window is to be given to project proponents, who have been operating without obtaining a prior EC, to apply for it. All applications of EC violations, irrespective of their size and capacity, will only be appraised at the central level by the respective sector-specific EAC and cleared at the Centre. This move was allowed under the pretext of improving compliance.

So looking at all the changes made by the current government, it looks like the environmental clearance process is becoming a formality. The quality of assessment, compliance of clearance conditions and the involvement of local community through public hearings are being further weakened to ease the clearance process by introducing these changes. And the new memorandums are only meant to ease the process of obtaining clearances for mega projects like Bharatmala Pariyojana and Sagar Mala.


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