Deep Warming
There is a problem built into our relationship with energy itself. Even if we ‘solve’ global warming, we face an older, slower problem. Waste heat could radically alter Earth’s future.
Read More about Deep WarmingThe 21st century's converging crises and alternative pathways
There is a problem built into our relationship with energy itself. Even if we ‘solve’ global warming, we face an older, slower problem. Waste heat could radically alter Earth’s future.
Read More about Deep WarmingCLIMATE CRISIS
Chukwumerije Okereke, director of the Center for Climate Change and Development at Alex Ekwueme Federal University in Nigeria, warns against the projects backed by the likes of Bill Gates and George Soros, which are using Africa as a giant petri dish to test unproven pet theories and concepts.
Read More about My Continent Is Not Your Climate LaboratoryPartially burned and standing trees called snags loom over a site where researchers from the John T Harrington Forestry Research Center are conducting reforestation experiments at Deer Lake Mesa in Cimarron, New Mexico on August 17, 2021.
[File: Reuters/Adria Malcolm]
Apocalypse investors are pushing fake climate solutions on us that are making climate change worse.
Read More about We are ‘greening’ ourselves to extinctionPer capita consumption of avocados has kept on growing in the importing countries, driven by intense marketing campaigns promoting the nutritional benefits of this food. GRAIN reports on how the industrial agribusiness model exploits small- and medium-sized growers, forces them to take on all the risk and also bear the burden of environmental externalities. Meanwhile, big agribusiness companies and their investors are largely shielded from the public health and environmental impacts.
Read More about The Avocados of WrathA pastoralist looks at Hasdeo’s Parsa East and Kete Basan (PEKB) mine that has lead to severe environmental and social issues. Residents of Hasdeo region fear their land meeting the same fate as its adjacent Korba, a critically polluted area.
Photo by Vaishnavi Suresh/PEP Collective
21st March is marked as International Forests Day: A brief look at the state of Forests and Forest Rights in India today.
Read More about On International Forests Day: Reality of Forests in IndiaAuthor (with spectacles) at Narmada Sangharsh Yatra (Struggle Journey), 1990
Photo by Shailendra Yashwant
The many faces of India’s Narmada movement: Since the mid-1980s, the Narmada valley has also been the site of one of Independent India’s most iconic and globally well-known people’s movements, the Narmada Bachao Andolan (Save the Narmada Movement). For the last nearly 40 years, this movement has raised questions about and tried to stop, a series of mega-dams along the river and its tributaries.
Read More about It did not stop the dam, but is it a failure?Conserve/Resist
If Gramdan is implemented, our land will be protected from any old or new land acquisition laws, says Devaji Tofa. Photo: Vikas Choudhary / CSE
Why does Mendha (Lekha) want to implement an age-old act that gives privately owned land in the collective legal ownership of the village at a time when the significance of individual property ownership has been rising? In a society that is moving towards hyper-individualism, the community in Mendha is taking a collective approach.
Read More about Why this Maharashtra village is fighting for the long forgotten Gramdan Act?Modi government rushed with its plan to supply fortified rice despite internal and external expert warnings on the adverse effects of feeding it to people, particularly children. Niti Aayog reviewed the pilot studies in seven districts across India only after the government’s orders to distribute fortified rice had already been passed. It found that all of them were fundamentally flawed and had failed. The report was never made public while the government continues to push fortified rice.
Read More about Ignored health risks, bungled pilot projects, bonanza for Dutch firm: Modi Govt. forces fortified rice on poorLocals protest at Barsu Solgaon of the Rajapur block in Ratnagiri. Photo: Twitter@aviuv
Protests are raging in the Konkan region of Maharashtra against the government’s proposed refinery project in Ratnagiri. Hundreds have been arrested so far. Protesting locals have alleged unprecedented police action. While not being reported much in the mainstream media, locals continue to build their resistance with greater strength. Read more to find out why this is happening?
Read More about Protests against Ratnagiri Refinery: Skeletons in the Development ClosetWhat’s wrong with the popular Miyawaki method of ecological restoration?
Read More about How Mr Miyawaki Broke My HeartThe founder of Deccan Development Society not only popularised millets but also worked for agro-biodiversity, food sovereignty, women’s empowerment, Dalit rights, social justice and local knowledge systems.
Read More about P.V. Satheesh, the Original Millets Man of IndiaCulture/Cognition
The history of plant life, records of its settlement on land as well as its death and evacuation from these spaces, a census of plants and trees — all these constitute our national history, not only the life of kings, queens and the famous.
Read More about What will be the history of India without the history of its plant life?Dr. Iain McGilchrsit talks about the left-brain right-brain divide, culture and cognition in the West, metaphysics, philosophy and how science and technology affect our society.
Read More about [WATCH] We are living in a deluded world: Interview with Iain McGilchristThere is no such thing as a perfect society, and anyone who tries to build one will either go mad or become a tyrant. Humans are fallen, or just natural, and both of those words are synonyms for ‘imperfect’. What is ‘perfection’ anyway? It is a concept designed by a part of the modern human mind – the part that likes clean lines, easy answers, plots that end by neatly tying up all the threads. The quest for perfection is a quest for homogeneity and control, and it leads to the gulag and the guillotine, the death camp and the holy war. Even if we could agree on what perfection amounted to, we would none of us be equipped to build it.
Read More about Paul Kingsnorth: The Great UnsettlingFor years, normality has been stretched nearly to breaking-point, a rope pulled tighter and tighter, waiting for a nip of the black swan’s beak to snap it in two. Now that it’s snapped, do we tie its ends back together, or shall we undo its dangling braids, to see what we might weave from them?…
Read More about Charles Eisenstein: The CoronationFrom Emerge: Gail Bradbrook, one of the founders of Extinction Rebellion, writes about her experiences with psychedelic plants, which she says altered her worldview so radically as to set her on her current path to initiate social change. Bradbrook helped found, and continues to play a key role in this global movement for systemic change….
Read More about How psychedelics helped to shape Extinction Rebellion