Urbanization, the new frontier for conservation - a presentation by course instructor Harini Nagendra

Module 6: Exploring Sustainability in the Indian Context

Ecologise has consistently driven home that humanity needs to prepare for unprecedented environmental, economic and socio-political upheaval and uncertainty in the 21st century. In this new series, we showcase free short-duration online courses that focus on these various emerging crises and possible responses. Created by the world’s leading universities, they offer a good starting point to explore these complex challenges.

Free online courses to understand the key challenges of our times

Module 6: Exploring Sustainability in the Indian Context

Exploring Sustainability in the Indian Context
Created by: Azim Premji University
Taught by: Harini Nagendra, Manu Mathai, Richa Govil, P.S. Narayan, Chitra Ravi & Radha Gopalan

Rapid and widespread environmental, economic and social changes have led to urgent global questions of sustainability. Concerns of sustainability in developing countries like India can be very different than that of industrialised countries. In developing countries, equity and social justice are central to addressing sustainability, along with environmental concerns.

This interdisciplinary, multi-instructor course provides an introduction to sustainability within the context of development in India. We develop an integrated perspective on sustainability along ecological and social dimensions, and use these to examine critical themes of importance to India, like population, food, and climate change. We explore how our imagination of culture, markets, state, and even of nature itself influences sustainability action. We end with examining how to take sustainability action – as individuals, communities and larger collectives, and across all scales, from the local to the global.

Participants in this completely online course are expected to watch video lectures, join interactive online video-discussions with expert faculty from different domains, and participate in discussion forums. Those who complete all activities and tests and submit assignments will get a Certificate of Completion from Azim Premji University Participants in this completely online course are expected to watch video lectures, join interactive online video-discussions with faculty and participate in discussion forums. Those who complete all activities and tests and submit assignments will get a Certificate of Completion from Azim Premji University.

Course fees: Rs.1000, inclusive of taxes. Fee waivers available for deserving candidates

Certificate of Participation: Will be given to all participants who complete course requirements. No grade will be assigned for the course

Click here to Apply

For more information about the Course and Registration details Click here

For any queries please write to : Sustainability.online@apu.edu.in

Free online courses to understand the key challenges of our times

Module 1: Climate Change – Challenges and Solutions  

Module 2: Energy – Fossil Fuels And Our Future

Module 3: Water – Scarcity, Contamination, Conservation 

Module 4: Soil Fertility & Food Security

Module 5: Biodiversity & Species Extinction


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