Tejal Kanitkar on the contradiction at the heart of India’s National Energy Policy

From Newsclick: Prof. Tejal Kanitkar, who heads the Centre for Climate Change and Sustainability Studies at TISS, says that while the government’s National Energy Policy claims it will provide 24×7 electricity to the entire nation by 2022, this lies in contradiction with the mode through which they plan ensure its distribution; that is, the market.


Energy Mix For India Under Constraints of Climate Change (Powerpoint Presentation – 2.4 MB)

Tejal Kanitkar
If energy is a pre-requisite for human development – not just economic development – while planning future development, one should also plan for some minimum energy per capita commensurate with human well-being. This per capita energy can of course be aggregated for each country. How to meet this minimum energy requirement subject to emission constraints is the key question for future energy and emissions trajectory

Civil society comments on NITI Aayog’s draft National Energy Policy
Vikalp Sangam
NITI Aayog has invited suggestion and feedback on its Draft National Energy Policy. Here’s the detailed response sent by a group of civil society groups. Also linked here is energy expert Bhamy Shenoy’s critique of the draft Policy, which he says does not reflect the crucial recent transformations in the energy sector.

The draft national electricity plan paints rosy picture of power scenario
Bhamy Shenoy
Every five years, the Central Electricity Authority prepares a National Electricity Plan. Last December, the CEA released draft of third NEP for 2017-2022 seeking comments from various stakeholders. Some of its conclusions, like ‘close to zero energy demand deficit’, may sound like music to power starved India but also raises serious questions about its authenticity.

India’s chief economic advisor is clueless about energy. And that’s worrying.
Mahesh Bhave, Renewable Energy World 
A recent lecture by Dr. Arvind Subramanian, the Indian government’s chief economic advisor, offers clues on its thinking on coal vis-a-vis renewable energy, crucial for meeting its stated climate goals. In this stinging rejoinder to the lecture, energy expert Prof. Mahesh Bhave shows conclusively why mainstream economists like Dr. Subramnian simply do not ‘get’ energy.

Coal vs Renewables: An open letter to India’s chief economic advisor
Shankar Sharma
With the national energy policy about to be finalised, a recent lecture by Dr. Arvind Subramanian, India’s chief economic advisor, revealed the government’s thinking on the question of coal vis-a-vis renewable energy. This rejoinder by an energy expert flags crucial issues and suggests alternatives that are vastly more healthier for the country and the planet.


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