How to grow a food forest that will feed you everyday

From Down to Earth Magazine: What does it take to design a permaculture kitchen garden? In this video, permaculture practitioners Rosie and Peter Fernandes, based in Assagaon, Goa, recount their experience of growing a food forest designed to meet their cooking needs round the year. They are now taking their model to the wider community.

Down to Earth Magazine  

Permaculture Teachers: Rosie Harding & Peter Fernandes

Jungle Oasis Permaculture Project

Rosie and Peter’s first hands-on involvement with growing food came about when they successfully used sustainable methods and Permaculture design to transform a barren and heavily degraded piece of land attached to their home into a thriving and productive food forest and kitchen garden. In what seemed a ridiculously short period of time, they found themselves blessed with an abundance and variety of produce that was wildly in excess of their expectations.

WATCH: Rosie & Peter’s lecture-demonstration on Permaculture Kitchen Garden & Food Forest, at the National Permaculture Convergence 2016 

This experience confirmed for them the idea that it is completely feasible for the average person to meet virtually all of their critical dietary needs in terms of nutrition, flavour, wholesomeness, safety, and variety.

It led to their becoming passionate about promoting the growing of food hyper-locally. One of their aims is to make locally grown, easily available, safe and nutritious food a ubiquitous reality in every neighbourhood.

They are actively involved in awareness and outreach to individuals and organisations who wish to participate in every aspect of local food security. These activities include farmer, market gardener & home gardener support, creation of local market hubs, community garden projects etc.

Water recharging & management, soil building, closed-loop fertility, carbon sequestration, food security, seed saving, species diversity, perennials, the revival and rediscovery of forgotten foods and animal husbandry are a few of their other hot buttons and they keep these in the forefront as they engage in the creation of new growing spaces for the purpose of demonstration, education and research.

The following page, based on their own garden, shares information & knowledge with the local community to inspire and ignite an interest in Permaculture, via gardening & local food:

They animate the Permaculture Goa Facebook Group, whose aim is to share knowledge and questions relevant to all things Permaculture in Goa, and build up the local Permaculture community:

VISIT: Facebook page of Rosie And Peters project 

Feeding the world with Agroecology
Pablo Tittonell
Pablo Tittonell is professor ‘Farming Systems Ecology’ at Wageningen University and one of the worlds most well known experts in the field of agriculture and ecology. In this TED Talk, he advocates intensification of agriculture by making optimal use of natural processes and the landscape to meet the worlds constantly growing demand for food.

Farming for a small planet: Agroecology now!
Frances Moore Lappé, Great Transition Initiative
The primary obstacle to sustainable food security is an economic model and thought system, embodied in industrial agriculture, that views life in disassociated parts, obscuring the destructive impact this has on humans, natural resources, and the environment. The emerging alternative, relational approach —agroecology— has already shown promising success on the ground.

Obituary: Peaceful warrior: Permaculture visionary Bill Mollison
Permaculture Magazine/The Ecologist
Australian educator, author and co-inventor of Permaculture, Bruce Charles ‘Bill’ Mollison, died on the 24 September 2016. He has been praised across the world for his visionary work, and left behind a global network of ‘peaceful warriors’ in over 100 countries working tirelessly to fulfill his ambition to build harmony between humanity and Mother Earth.


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