New issue of Mausam, India’s only Climate Change journal

India Climate Justice


The latest issue of Mausam, the e-mag published by India Climate Justice, is out. Here’s the list of contents:

Experiencing the Change: Climate Change and Everyday Life in Coffee Plantations of South India
Anshu Ogra

Human Trafficking and Climate Disasters
Sayantoni Datta

Betting on the Wrong Horse: Fast Reactors and Climate Change
MV Ramana 

Institutionalizing forest diversion and legitimizing institutional fraud: The new Compensatory Afforestation Bill a recipe for disaster
Soumitra Ghosh 

Has Global Warming Stopped? The case of the mysterious ‘hiatus’
Soumya Dutta

Agro-ecology and the Fight Against Climate Change
Parul Thapa

Climate Space statement from Tunis WSF 2015

Conversation with Jutta Kill

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