Arsonist-in-chief: How Rupert Murdoch helped set Australia on fire

Murdoch has said: “We can be the low-cost energy country in the world. We shouldn’t be building windmills and all that rubbish. Climate change has been going on as long as the planet’s here.” Since 2007, the largely Murdoch-controlled Australian press has helped topple four Australian PMs who dared to try to reduce Australia’s carbon emissions.

Michael Mann, Newsweek

In times of crisis, social media can become a hotbed of misinformation. Often it’s accidental—people sharing faulty information they think is true, based on unconfirmed initial reports, or comical trolling, like the now-nearly-decade-old “shark on the highway” photoshop that gets shared during seemingly every hurricane landfall. But there is increasingly another sort of misinformation, and it’s much more sinister. It’s the deliberate injection of lies, disinformation, employing a combination of high profile trolls and bot armies to wage a public disinformation campaign.

The bushfires currently engulfing Australia offer an unwelcome example, one that I’m watching from front row seats here in the country. Little did I know when I planned my sabbatical in Sydney to study the impact of climate change on extreme weather events in Australia, that I would be here in the country to witness what is arguably the most profound example yet of that phenomenon. As I write this commentary, I’m looking out at smoke-tinged skies while the faint smell of smoke wafts in through an open window. Living through its consequences, even as we study it, is a recurring irony of climate science in the 21st century.

But there is also a concerted effort to mislead people as to the true nature of these horrific fires by individuals and organizations that promote the interests of the fossil fuel industry by denying the reality and threat posed by climate change. With two dozen people and a billion animals dead, people are rightly looking for an explanation. Many, including climate scientists like myself, are pointing to the role that climate change has played in making the fires worse. As I often say, it’s “not rocket science”: As our continents heat due to the buildup of carbon pollution from fossil fuel burning , droughts get worse, and the combined heat and dryness provides more fuel, leading to more intense, faster-spreading, more extensive bushfires like the ones that we are currently witnessing play out. Indeed, a prophetic 2008 Australian scientific assessment report predicted that “fire seasons will start earlier, end slightly later, and generally be more intense. This effect…should be directly observable by 2020.”

With a conservative prime minister in Scott Morrison who had coddled Australian coal interests, promoted climate change denial, helped sabotage the 2019 Madrid climate negotiations and vacationed in Hawaii while Australians were suffering the impacts of unprecedented heat and wildfires, here finally was a very real opportunity for Australians to connect the dots: electing climate denialists leads to death and destruction.

So the forces of disinformation quickly stepped in. Conservative politicians and pundits blamed greens for preventing the government from thinning out forests, even as experts dismissed such talk as “lazy political rhetoric” and “simply conspiracy stuff” intended “to deflect the conversation away from climate change.”

The Australian bushfires have caused a rift in the Murdoch family that could help fix our climate crisis
The Independent
The second positive development was, in a rare public disagreement with their father, a spokesperson for James and Kathryn Murdoch making a public statement to The Daily Beast on Tuesday, stating: “Kathryn and James’s views on climate are well established, and their frustration with some of the News Corp and Fox coverage of the topic is also well known. They are particularly disappointed with the ongoing denial among the news outlets in Australia given obvious evidence to the contrary.”

There was a full court press by the Murdoch media machine, including The Australian, described by Sourcewatch as a paper that “promotes climate change denial in a way that is sometimes…so astonishing as to be entertaining”, The Herald Sun, and Sky News television network in Australia, and Fox News in the U.S., to promote the false claim that the massive bushfires engulfing Australia were primarily a result of “arson”. The distortions were so egregious that a whistleblower from within Newscorp, named Emily Townsend, came forward, condemning the organization for waging a “misinformation campaign” consisting of “irresponsible” and “dangerous” coverage of the current unprecedented bushfire crisis. And in a late-breaking development, Rupert Murdoch’s son James Murdoch is now blasting his father’s media empire, indicating that he is “particularly disappointed with the ongoing denial among the news outlets in Australia given obvious evidence to the contrary.”

The false claims were then parroted by a few key influential individuals (such as Donald Trump Jr.) on social media, right wing websites and professional armies of trolls and bots (I’ve encountered many of them in my own twitter feed) then whipped these false and malicious claims into a massive miasma of misinformation.

There were at least two falsehoods being trumpeted by the denialists. First of all, the main source of ignition for these wildfires was actually natural–dry lightning strikes. The fact that some arrests had been made of individuals who had broken fire safety laws by improper disposal of cigarettes etc. was twisted by the Murdoch media into the completely false claim that the fires were primarily caused by arson. But in fact—as reported by The Guardian—”Victoria police say there is no evidence any of the devastating bushfires in the state were caused by arson, contrary to the spread of global disinformation exaggerating arsonist arrests during the current crisis.”

But the larger implicit untruth was that the source of ignition was even relevant here. There are many potential sources of wildfire ignition, human and natural. But what allowed any ignited fires to attain the intensity and scale of the bushfires breaking out across the Australian continent was the tinderbox-like conditions that prevailed across the continent due to record heat and drought—unprecedented conditions that cannot be explained without human-caused planetary warming.

This was an inconvenient truth for the climate change-denying Murdoch media empire and the fossil fuel interests for whom they carry water. After all, once the public connects the dots between fossil fuel pollution, climate change disinformation, and the burning urgency of its consequences, Murdoch and his fossil fueled friends will be seen as the true arsonists: climate arsonists.

Michael E. Mann is Distinguished Professor of Atmospheric Science at Pennsylvania State University. His most recent book, with Tom Toles, is The Madhouse Effect: How Climate Change Denial Is Threatening Our Planet, Destroying Our Politics, and Driving Us Crazy (Columbia University Press, 2016).

The views expressed in the article are the author’s own.


How Does a Nation Adapt to Its Own Murder?
Richard Flanagan
Australia is going up in flames, and its government calls for resilience while planning for more coal mines.

The Australian bushfires have caused a rift in the Murdoch family that could help fix our climate crisis
The Independent
The second positive development was, in a rare public disagreement with their father, a spokesperson for James and Kathryn Murdoch making a public statement to The Daily Beast on Tuesday, stating: “Kathryn and James’s views on climate are well established, and their frustration with some of the News Corp and Fox coverage of the topic is also well known. They are particularly disappointed with the ongoing denial among the news outlets in Australia given obvious evidence to the contrary.”

The scientists who predicted Australia’s bushfire emergency decades ago
Graham Readfearn, The Guardian
Now, as more dangerous fire weather is forecast, they’re being asked: why did the science not lead to action? “I would blame most of that on the lobbying”,” says Pearman, now 78. “That lobbying has been extremely powerful in a country driven by the resource sector that includes uranium, coal and gas.

Battling the False Narratives Around Australia’s Devastating Bushfires
Jennifer Mills
One of the challenges for writers in the Anthropocene is that events like these fires belong at once to the everyday and to the unthinkable. In processing the shock of the fires, the images of death and destruction, the corpses of animals, the scale of the grief, writers must think in two directions at once: we must try to integrate these events into our understanding of the reality we live in, and we must refuse to accept them as normal.


Let Malibu burn: A political history of California’s Fire Coast
Los Angeles Times
As yet another mega-fire rages through California, we present the powerhouse 1996 essay by Mike Davis, covering history, science, Marxist analysis— and a certain amount of trolling. Its main point is that Californians will never accept that fire is not only common there, but part of its ecology going back centuries.

Stark evidence: A warming earth is sparking more and bigger wildfires
Nicola Jones, Yale Environment 360
From Yale Environment 360: The wildfires presently raging in California are no exception. The increase in forest fires, seen from North America to Brazil, from the Mediterranean to Siberia, is directly linked to climate change, scientists say. And as the world continues to warm, there will be greater risk for fires on nearly every continent.

Digest: The manmade forest fires of the Himalayan foothills
There are almost 400 fires in the Himalayan foothills currently, which have killed five people and finished off at least 19 square kilometres of forest. The timber mafia and ordinary folks are known to illegally set fire in the Himalayan foothills, to fell trees, but its uncontrollable nature this year also points to micro-climatic changes.

Here’s What We Know about Wildfires and Climate Change
Scientific American
While there’s growing interest in investigating the fingerprints of climate change on extreme weather events, it’s often challenging for scientists to parse out its influence versus other natural and human factors—and, as experts have warned time and again, no single weather event can be attributed solely to the effects of climate change. This may be particularly true for wildfires, which are heavily influenced by human land-use and management practices in addition to the weather. Still, scientists are increasingly suggesting that climate change has already had a hand in shaping fire seasons, not just in California but elsewhere around the world, and will likely continue to play a major role.


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